Got ADODB.Fields error '800a0bb9' When using ASP to send email by CDOSYS
(too old to reply)
2004-05-19 23:01:02 UTC
I got an error when I try to send an email (from IIS server) using ASP page to send mail

This is the line of code that got this error ".Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = 2

ADODB.Fields error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

/HR/EmplSubmitActReq.asp, line 38

This is my program

<! -- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D" NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Type Library" --><! -- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" NAME="ADODB Type Library" --><%
Dim iMs
Dim iCon
Dim Flds
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message"
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration"
Set Flds = iConf.Field
With Fld
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = 2 'cdoSendUsingPor
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = "IDGMail
.Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 3
End Wit
With iMs
Set .Configuration = iCon
.From = "Insco/Dico Action Request
.To = "***@Yohoo.com
.subject = "Test Subject
.TextBody = "Test Body
End Wit
End i

Thanks in advance
2004-05-19 23:26:04 UTC
I misstype this two lines of code
<! -- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D" NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Type Library" --><! -- METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" NAME="ADODB Type Library" --

But right now I got an error '8004020e' (in .send statement)
